Saturday, November 8, 2008

Vote "Yes" for Good Customer Service!

In the Convenience Store field, our first name is “Convenience”. Convenience means being in a convenient location, having a selection of merchandise that allows people to fill their needs without additional trips somewhere else (making it convenient to stop there), and having multiple options to allow them to pay. What seems to be missing from many convenience settings is making it convenient to deal with your first-line associates. In other words, how many times has a friend or client with a store or stores had a half-hour discussion with you about how to arrange the cold vault, but shrugs their shoulders and dismisses staffing with “It’s hard to find good people”?

All the care and science that goes into everything from merchandise selection and mix, to how a store is designed and looks, to what fuel brand, if any, to select, can be of little effect if the customer/associate interaction isn’t a positive experience. The level of service in the US, in general, has gotten to the point that good friendly service is the exception rather than the norm. One of the big C-Store publications actually has a column where they talk about the good service they received when THEY are on the road.

That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t strive for a better level of customer assistance.

We don’t believe anecdotal evidence proves a norm or spots a trend, but we all know that, even with the rapid drop in fuel prices, our customers are hurting financially. Inside store merchandise and foodservice (if you have it) sales are the lifeblood of the business. The easiest way to increase inside sales is to concentrate on staffing and training. Raise your expectations of performance for your customer service associates, and reward them when they perform.

Your customers want to be served, promptly and with a smile. My blog is named “The Service Station” for a reason. Think of the category you’re in as “The Service Store” instead of “The Convenience Store” category, and both you and your customers will be much better off. Sales will go up, your associates will be happier and busier, and you’ll be providing a positive “service” to your bottom line in the end.

Condevco offers comprehensive customer service and operations consulting and manuals for your store/chain. The operations we have operated and consulted on have a long history of “famous” customer service. Let us help you.

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